Zandvoort Formula1 Layout

05 Dec 23 21:02 CET
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# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps Ping
1 Mazda MX5 Cup 01:56.577
Tyre: H
02:13.917 9 laps / 0 cuts 31 - 34
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed (Km/h) Relative Position World Position Time Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 42.5 X: 0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: -1.6 X: -228.8 Y: 4.1 Z: 191.2 19:47:30 (CET)
2 Collision with environment 39.2 X: -0.6 Y: -0.0 Z: 1.7 X: 61.2 Y: 0.9 Z: -170.7 19:55:45 (CET)
Car Env Rel
Zandvoort Formula1 Layout Zandvoort Formula1 Layout collisions

There were no penalties in this session.

1st Luigivar in Mazda MX5 Cup
Best: 01:56.577, Potential: 01:56.577
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 04:20.299 01:58.099 02:22.200 0 H
2 02:01.492 00:54.248 01:07.244 0 H
3 01:59.174 00:53.799 01:05.375 0 H
4 05:26.882 04:21.624 01:05.258 0 H
5 01:57.659 00:52.954 01:04.705 0 H
6 01:57.344 00:52.823 01:04.521 0 H
7 01:57.011 00:52.621 01:04.390 0 H
8 03:48.162 02:43.825 01:04.337 0 H
9 01:56.577
0 H